17 December 2012

Where do polar bears vote? #2

In the North Poll! ^-^
Look at it again if you didn't understand the difference between the North PolE and the North PolL:)
Anyways, theres...ONLY 8 MORE DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS ^_^
Annnd!! Theres 14 MORE DAYS TILL 1ST OF JAN! ^^
Time sure has went by fast! Anyhoo, today something happened to me...No not like that, "rude  minded people" aha jokes.  So anyway I fainted today :o :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
Yes I know a shokerr;D But I have no idea why I fainted I mean I had breakfast and a drink of water! What could of happened? So it all happened in school in first period (first lesson) and it was science and it was sooo boring! And then my eyes started shutting, I felt a bit sickish I guess, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I told the teacher I felt sick and just fainted!
And then when i woke up I first saw my teachers face and I'm like "Who the **** is she!?" She looked SO different compared to how she normally looks like. I felt bit embrassed I guess cos like it was probably everyones first time seeing someone faint but then again I'm glad I did cos I missed: ICT, I don't 'hate' ICT but then again...I missed P.E WOOO HOOOOOOO I HATE P.E! I missed R.E  OMD YAYAYYAYA It is SOOOOOOO boring in R.E and the teacher talks as if his g*y or something! And I missed English, I love english since I have the most amazingest teacher but atleast I wasn't sat there still feeling sick and doing pages of work!
So I guess that was my day. And if your wondering why I am here writing when I should be in bed well, I don't really feel ill now I feel okay now. Hopefully in school tomorrow I don't cause another big scene! :'D I wish I never had to go school tomorrow...:'(((
Anyways, I'll post later if there is anything to post about! If not then sorrry;'D


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